+61 415 085 463 claudia@claudiaturro.com

Lead your best life

The purpose behind my self-leadership coaching is to help you to be the leader of your own life. This is both challenging and rewarding. We all have blind spots about ourselves. This makes self-leadership challenging because it demands emotional and psychological knowledge of oneself.

Reaching deep self-knowledge is incredibly rewarding because it allows your values, goals, and beliefs to come into sharp focus. You can then make authentic decisions and feel more confident with your life choices. Finally, getting real with yourself allows you to set life goals and recognise the strengths that you have to reach them.

Self-leadership coaching allows you to expand your consciousness, create a plan of action grounded on what is most meaningful and find a route to greater happiness and fulfilment. If you want to grow, know yourself deeply, embrace your personal resources, go into action to achieve your life goals, and learn from the challenges of life, then this coaching is for you.

In my self-leadership coaching,

I will take you through a dynamic process where you will:

What I can help you with

As a coach, I focus my work on four specific areas that have in common developing a growth mindset, expanding one’s potential and stimulating personal growth and internal transformation. In all these areas, I reinforce that the client is accountable for their own happiness.

Fullfilment & Happiness

Coaching for people who want to be truly alive and live a life of meaning. You might be feeling stuck or in survival mode rather than feeling happy.

Working in this area will help you to identify your core values, life purpose and core strengths, and make life choices that align with each of these. You will achieve a sense of wellbeing and connectedness with yourself, enabling you to live an authentic life.

Life Transitions

Coaching for people who are experiencing major transitions in life … relocation, parenthood, marriage, a new relationship, career or mid-life changes, or retirement.

Working in this area will help you to re-examine your present sense of being, the opportunities that the transition creates for you, and allow you to develop a vision of your future aligned with your core values.

Professional Development

Working in this area will help you to know yourself through clarifying your strengths in the workplace, allowing you to set professional growth goals to add to, or strengthen, your skills.

Working in this area will help you to know yourself through clarifying your strengths in the workplace, allowing you to set professional growth goals to add to, or strengthen, your skills.


Coaching for people who seek new career directions, or who have a lack of clarity regarding career development or joining the career ladder.

Working in this area will help you to identify the career path that best suits your needs, support you in making informed career development decisions and offer tools that you can to meet your career goals.

How does it work the coaching process?

Book a free session

  • Start by booking a free session. It will give you a chance to clarify what to expect from a coaching process, to ensure that you and I are a good match, and start the process of co-designing our work together.
  • One-on-one self-leadership coaching sessions can be conducted face to face, on Google meets, on Skype, or over the telephone.

What you will get from the coaching process

  • A 2-hour Discovery Session. This session is an essential first step to build a strong coaching relationship. It helps to establish trust, familiarise you with the coaching process, clarify logistical details, and start building self-awareness about your values, vision, and life satisfaction.
  • 12 x 60-minute sessions, one every fortnight, with coaching homework between sessions to put into practice each session’s goals and actions.
  • A customised coaching notebook to support your process.
  • Coaching tools and relevant articles to support your progress.
  • After each session, I send an email with a summary of the outcomes of the coaching, which helps clients to monitor their progress and integrate the main aspects from every session.
  • Ongoing email support between sessions.
  • Overall progress reviewed together regularly to make sure you are achieving your goals.

Some of the techniques you will experience during the coaching process

  • Co-active coaching toolkit: visual tools, exercises, visualisations, coaching questionnaires, and assessment sheets during different stages of the process.
  • Use of the body in the physical space.
  • Gestalt exercises to help you to increase your awareness of immediate experiences, express thoughts and feelings.
  • Art exercises: painting, drawing and collage.

The coaching game

Set of 65 associative cards each depicting a photographic image and a topic that uses the right and left sides of the brain. The Coaching game offers a creative and effective way for personal and professional development. I use it as a powerful tool to facilitate self-discovery, awareness, insights and action.